
Showing posts from October, 2019

In Memory of Docent Sue Upshaw

November 16, 2019 Update from Doug Upshaw: Please save the date for a celebration for Sue at the Natural History Museum in Exposition Park, Los Angeles. We will have conversation, memories, music, cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. More information and a RSVP later. Please pass this along to others that knew Sue and that I may have missed.  Have them contact me for the RSVP details. Doug Saturday, January 18, 2020 6:00pm Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 900 Exposition Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90007 Begin blog info in memory of Sue Upshaw: From Naturalist, Winter 2019 (double click on image to enlarge): The following emails were circulated and are repeated here in one blog source.  As more information, emails and pictures are received, they will be posted as well.  Sue became an active docent in 1993. Chuck, Please call when you have time. Doug As a result:  Dear DRT Members, For those of you that may

DRT Live Animals Field Trip

The DRT held another field trip, this time, to the Museum's Live Animals Collection on Oct 15, 2019.  You can double click on the images if you prefer to enlarge: Chuck's Pictures (Terry's pictures to follow afterward):   Add caption Lunch at Morton Fig on the USC Campus Terry's Pictures: LIVE ANIMAL PROGRAM UPDATE OCTOBER 2019 Time for another episode of Animal Updates brought to you by the Vertebrate Live Animal Program Manager, Leslie Gordon! Want to hear more about a specific topic? Let us know! Hi everyone! A lot of you have been asking about some changes in the Nature Lab habitats. ANTS The ant habitats have been looking different lately. B