Complete Dino Skull News

See below link to read new discovery:

"The Tufts-Love skull is only one of 15 more-or-less complete skulls ever discovered.

 When I was in docent training in 1979, we were told there were only 4 T-Rex skulls in the world and that the LANHM had two of them, still on display in the dino hall.  I wonder what more exciting finds are waiting to be discovered?

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-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Kuhl
To: Docent Roundtable Members
Sent: Fri, Aug 19, 2016 5:46 pm
Subject: Fwd: Smithsonian: Rare Complete T. Rex Skull Found in Montana

This is from Docent Don Motley, thanks Don!
Attached Message
FromDon Motley
ToMary Kuhl
SubjectSmithsonian: Rare Complete T. Rex Skull Found in Montana
DateFri, 19 Aug 2016 14:33:35 -0700

Rare Complete T. Rex Skull Found in Montana
The "Tufts-Love skull" will be cleaned and put on display at the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture Read the full story

Shared from Apple News

Don motley 


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