Bird Dynamics

From my brother. Might be interesting to watch and use if you tour the bird hall and use the owl wing.
Sue U

This short video clip is amazing and breath-taking, especially if you watch it on full screen!
The markings, the wing span, claws and aggressiveness, all showing in one action!

This video shows an Eagle Owl attacking the camera that's doing the recording. The slow-motion
photography was shot at a film speed of 1000 fps.

Eagle Owls are native to Eurasia and are closely related to our own Great Horned Owl (the one with the 'ears').
For flyers & bird watchers, this video is also an interesting study of the owl's wing aerodynamics in
very slow motion. Too bad the film stopped short of the actual attack on the camera.....

To any prey, those outstretched claws must be a very daunting image in its last few seconds of life!!


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