
Showing posts from January, 2018

Docent Roundtable members visit the scenes in anthropology collections

KT and Betty on Jan 16, 2018 provided an introduction to the comparative study of world cultures and tour of the Ethnology storeroom, which we all agreed would make the perfect bomb shelter.  Double click to enlarge image.  Videos are indicated with an arrow: Open the link below for info on Lt. Edward Orr and other military pics not associated with Orr but look for the old ones of early Los Angeles and ignore the rest: =3BE451F042A143807A1E458306BC6AFB4C6F97A0&thid =OIP.vMP2PZmbNWKLzsXL1jZ7AQElDV&mediaurl _1280.jpg&exph=419&expw=576&q=lt.+edward+orr+early+los+angeles +history&simid=608054237396143781&selectedIndex=0&qpvt=lt.+edward+orr+early+los+angeles+history&ajaxhist=0 Open link belo